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End of an era...
It is time to say goodbye (to this incarnation of Nuthin' But Mech). The
blogs from here on out will remain open and kept up-to-date with artist
contact ...
New trailer for our game released! Hope you guys like it, has been a blast
to work on. :)
Have been heavily involved in the Forerunner design on Infinite, ...
Roman Rusinov helmet design on blog.artvad.com
Hey guys,
check out the new post on blog.artvad.com when you have time.
GAC Enverge concept (details sketches and renders)
Some more sketches and renders.
'70 Chevron B16
RM Auctions
Porche sketchover
Sketchover rendering inspired by my old friend Nemo.
Dubai Roadster / Shaali360 render.
Having fun with my model recently. Background image courtesy of Richard
Thompson Photography
Buy my artworks at Crated/TheModernRacer
Follow on Faceboo...
Art Center Lexism
Sometimes it feels good to let out all the lexism
danakil ethiopia
Advanced Environment Design course at Brainstorm School
Hello All, I'm super happy to announce that I'll be teaching Advanced
Environment Design at Brainstorm School. We go over advanced Photoshop
painting techn...
Beyond the Mask (2015) Full Streaming Beyond the Mask in Best LookNow you can watch full Beyond the Mask in top video format with duration 103 Min and has been aired on 2015-04-...
stuff with wings - slightly updated
Hello out there. Still beeing kind of lazy with designing stuff in my
freetime, some ideas floating around (like always) but somehow not
motivated enough t...
Minutes of a Meeting, 2
BMW 2002 , when no one was looking (hopefully)
Hello there!
It's been quite some time since I posted something up here, so I figured
it's time
to give you guys a little bit of an update (guess, this i...
The answer to all of life's questions. *Miata*
222. Le Cœur Enragé !
BMW Motorrad Editorial Shoot with Service Plan Munich
http://www.serviceplan.com/en/ © Laurent Nivalle www.laurentnivalle.fr
Just an illustration I made some time ago.
I'll no longer be updating this blog. : ( I've set up a Tumblr account instead. : ) I've seen a few of my sketches floating around Tumblr for a while now, ...
September 2001, to be exact.
october update
Too much art to post. i don't know where to begin. i'll just choose a few
pieces. for your info, i have now two tumblr accounts if you want more art. Design...
Prometheus Concept Art II
It has been over 2 years since I worked on this film, which has now been
released. My focus was the human technology, primarily the spaceship -
called the...
New AK logo, thank you neti.
This is Neti's website, have a look.